Garden Plans > 2013: OG Sample garden plans
This is a sample worksheet to help with spacing and seasonal crop rotation for OG participants at CCUA
There are variations on choices one could make within the families- various nightshades, various brassicas. However, this is a typical lay out for raised beds in 3 sizes.
Cover cropping should happen through one rotation each year. Weither you cover crop one part of the bed or the whole bed. Compost should be added in between plantings. Certain plants like tomatoes should not be planted where potatoes were to avoid disease. Some things are harvested just weeks before the next thing can be planted, while some things like garlic will take up space in the bed for 9 months so nothing else can go there through the next season.
Garden Location:
Columbia MO
Garden Size:
39' 11" x 39' 11"
Garden Type:
Garden Layout:
Sun or Shade:
Garden Soil Type:
Garden Plan
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